I am sitting here on a Friday night, watching a gorgeous woman do some sort of phalange witchcraft on her nails with a slew of nail polish and magic wands. Okay, they weren't wands. I think they were dotting tools, but they might as well have been wands the way she was creating magic with them. Her nails were perfection, this Facebook nail guru. I was hooked, mesmerized even. She started by brushing pink tips on each nail with the ease of a master craftsman. Then she made sharp lines of ... View the Post
Mom Sends Daughter Into Store For Feminine Products, Hilarity Ensues.
I know I have done my fair share of things to embarrass my daughter. I love to dance awkwardly in my car at stoplights when there are cute boys in the car next to us, just to watch her face turn red. If 'Baby Got Back' is on, I even roll down the windows and sing loudly. It's one of the most fun part of being a parent, in my opinion. I like to think of it as payback for the time she pulled up my skirt in the middle of Target and asked me why my underpants didn't cover my butt. Well, this Mom's ... View the Post
Awkward Moments Brought To You By Cell Phones
Just like running into an ex, or eating something with black beans in it; the opportunities for awkward moments with phones is very real. And I'm not just talking about when your ringtone goes off loudly in line at the bank (Baby Got Back). I'm talking about red faced, cringe when you think about it, big girl awkward. So, without further ado- here are some awkward moments brought to you by cell phones. When you take a Snapchat selfie in a bathroom stall but your volume is all the way up so ... View the Post
Man Visits Museum, Faceswaps With Everything. Wins Internet.
Redditor u/bake1991 visited the British Museum in London. In addition to all the beautiful artifacts, he also managed to take several hilarious face swaps on Snapchat. That is both hilarious and terrifying. I'm also pretty certain that he might now be cursed. I feel like this is how the beginning of those Mummy movies with Brenden Fraser began. Here are a few more It's pretty interesting to see what pharaohs look like with a spikey ... View the Post
7 Awesome Instagrams You Need To Follow
Sometimes I scroll through my feed and I just get SO BORED. And we all have that friend who posts all of their photos from the last month all at once. I love scrolling through 25 pictures of your dog at different angles, thanks for that. If you're looking to bring some life to your feed, here are some instagrams that will crack you up, inspire you, or just be eye candy. omgliterallydead This page makes me witch cackle every single time they post. Whoever thought to pose a ... View the Post