When it comes to the spectrum of New Year’s resolutions, I generally fall on the “why bother with all that nonsense since I’d never keep it anyways” side of things rather than “I must change my life the instant that the clock strikes midnight.” But this year, I’m contemplating the idea (notice I haven’t entirely committed just yet) of making a resolution this year. So what would be my grand goal? Cooking. Ok, confession time. I hate…no, I loathe cooking. For whatever reason, my brain has ... View the Post
Avocado Smoothie
An Avocado Smoothie is a great way to start the day off right. It's super creamy and has just the right amount of sweetness from local honey. I love making smoothies for breakfast. It's such a healthy way to start off my morning. Avocados are a great source of omega-3, dietary fiber, vitamins B6, C, E and K and potassium. They are also a great source of folate, which is important for pregnant and nursing mamas. I don't know if I have ever made a creamier smoothie and this one. The ... View the Post