I love all things beauty-related. Some may even say I’m obsessed if they took a look at the stash hidden under my sink (which used to be way bigger before the pregnancy purge took place). If there is one thing that pregnancy has taught me, it’s that beauty is a lot harder to accomplish while you’re pregnant. Between the hormones raging and the inability to function like an adult because of the belly being in the way, it’s hard to get things done. Here are five beauty struggles during pregnancy.
5 Beauty Struggles During Pregnancy
Giving Yourself a Pedicure
Your toes are looking crusty. It has been weeks since you’ve paid them any attention. You even cut yourself with your toe nail. EW! Who knew that was even possible?! So you take out your tools to give yourself a pedicure only to realize you can’t really even bend…or even contort your body in a way that makes it possible to give yourself a pedicure. At this point, the only shoes that fit are sandals, but you can’t show off your toes when they look like they belong to Frodo Baggins. I’m not one for going to a salon, but when you’re pregnant and your feet need it because no one can do it for you, then go on, girl. Get your pedicure on.
Shaving Your Legs…and Downstairs
We’re all guilty of going a little while longer when it comes to shaving our legs and our special place, but it’s not something you take for granted until you physically cannot do it anymore. Things can get hairy if you attempt it. Pun intended. There are at least work arounds to doing it yourself if you’re too nervous to let your partner try to shave your hairy bits on your behalf. Just ensure they are there to help you because you can be a bit accident prone with your belly throwing off your balance. A mini step stool is an inexpensive purchase and can help with shaving your legs if you can lift your leg up to it and lean against a wall for balance. As for your…you know. A mini mirror and sitting in the tub is the best way to go about it. Slow and steady wins the race. You don’t want to nick yourself and be uncomfortable!
There haven’t been enough studies to ensure whether the ingredients in self tanner are safe to use during pregnancy. Although my doctor is a bit more liberal than most and doesn’t see any harm, some doctors recommend steering clear of self tanner just in case. There really is no work around except getting some actual sun, but you want to make sure you’re being smart about it by using sunscreen. Keep in mind that sun exposure during pregnancy can darken melasma and the linea negra that some women develop during pregnancy, but typically those issues go away after pregnancy anyway.
Dying Your Hair
Dying your hair is pretty much the same as self tanning, but there is fairly limited research that shows the chemicals in hair dye (both semi-permanent and permanent) are not toxic. Still, if that does not ease your mind, but you need to cover those grays or you’re absolutely tired of the ombre, then an ammonia-free hair dye would be the route you want to go. Make sure you are dying it in a well-ventilated room and not keeping the dye on longer than recommended. You can even go to a professional if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, but expect to pay more for it than what you would pay doing it yourself.
Treating Acne with Certain Therapies
We all want that pregnancy glow during our nine months and heck, we deserve it for everything we go through, but hormones raging = acne for most moms and that was certainly the case for me. Acne treatment during pregnancy is very tricky. Almost all of the recommended ways to treat acne like using birth control, Accutane, topical retinoids, and even salicylic acid are a big no no. But there is still hope! Over-the-counter products containing glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide are safe during pregnancy and help immensely to treat acne. Benzoyl peroxide can cause dryness, so make sure you moisturize as much as possible to combat that. To help aid your acne battle during pregnancy, changing your pillowcases frequently, avoiding over-cleansing, and regular showers that include washing your hair every day can make a huge difference.
What’s your worst beauty struggle?
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