Who doesn’t want to burn extra calories without clocking extra minutes on the treadmill? I sure do! You may not realize it, but as you go about your everyday activities your body is continuously burning calories. Follow these simple steps in order to max out on that burn.
1. Get your beauty rest
Sleep for 8 hours every night. It will help your muscles recover from tough workouts and it will keep your mind sharp… allowing you to more healthy decisions throughout the day.
2. Don’t skip meals
Especially breakfast. The first meal of the day will get your metabolism going and keep you from overeating later in the day.
3. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of ice cold water daily
By drinking ice cold water, your body will burn extra calories as it heats up the ice cold water to match your body temperature. Plus, it’ll keep you hydrated.
4. Walk anywhere and everywhere you can
This can mean running errands within walking distance from home or parking a little farther away from the entrance to the grocery store. Another option… take the dog or kids for a walk around the neighborhood. It’s a good way to sneak in some quality time, too. Whatever method you choose, you are taking extra steps and racking up the calorie burn!
5. Use a basket while grocery shopping
The more you pile in there the heavier it’s going to get and the more calories you’re going to burn. Not to mention, it’s a great way to tone your arms, too!
6. Take the stairs
Whether it’s at your office or the mall, opt to skip the elevator. Walking up multiple flights of stairs is a great way to get your heart pumping, your thighs aching, and the calories burning.
7. Stand up!
Sitting behind a desk all day? Take a break for 10 minutes to move around throughout the day. Want to check Facebook when you get home? Stand at the kitchen counter instead of sitting on the couch.
8. Multitask
Want to watch TV? I’m a huge fan of getting a little workout in while you do. Try doing a few crunches during commercial breaks. Or if you want something more intense, do a leg workout while catching up on an episode of Orange is The New Black.
9. Get down and dirty.. in the yard!
Whether you mow the lawn, plant a garden, rake some leaves or shovel snow you will burn some serious calories. Of course the longer you do any of these activities, the more calories you’re going to burn. So, choose a lawn care activity and stick to it!
10. Get going on the housework
It’s annoying, I know. But it will help you burn extra calories. Vacuuming, mopping, bringing the laundry up and down your stairs… they’ll all do the trick!
Burning extra calories doesn’t have to weigh on your mind all the time, and it definitely doesn’t have to take up your entire day. All you have to do is be aware of these activities and engage in them throughout the day. By making these small changes to get yourself moving, you’ll become healthier and tighter.
Now that you know how to burn calories without working out, learn how healthy foods are fooling you.
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