Whether you’ve just moved to a new city or you’re just looking for some variety in your social life, making friends as an adult can be hard. Gone are the days where you were in high school or college and had an array of eligible people to choose from and built-in topics to break the ice. But don’t despair! There are tons of ways to meet new people no matter where you are. Here are a few tips to get you started.
Branch out
The easiest way to find people with similar interests is to go out and pursue those interests. Pick an activity you like and join a group of like-minded people. Maybe you’re a bookworm–there are tons of book clubs sponsored through your local library. Maybe you love dodge ball (or just saw Dodgeball that one time)–join a local sports league. Whatever you like to do, it’s guaranteed that there is someone out there who likes to do it too. The internet is great for searching out local orchestras and bands, sports-watching parties, fitness classes, and anything else you can imagine.
Volunteering is great because it brings you into contact with people you might never meet otherwise. There are a million great causes that could use volunteers and they’re almost always looking for additional help. Pick a cause you care about and do some research on groups that are doing work you admire. You’ll be helping the world and helping yourself at the same time.
Take a class
Whether you want to be a better chef or learn a skill that can give you a leg up on your career, it’s always a good time to better yourself. In addition to local colleges, there are tons of learning annexes, speakers’ bureaus, and clubs that offer free or low-cost events and classes.
Use a tool like Meetup.com
Meetup.com organizes groups for any interest and then lets you set up events for anyone who joins your group. The groups can be general (visit art museums) or really specific (35 year olds who like to discuss Shakespeare over Western omelettes). There’s a group for anything you can imagine–whatever floats your boat. And best of all, it’s all free! Unfortunately, it’s just in major cities right now but keep your eye out–they’re always expanding!
Talk to your friends
Meeting through friends-of-friends it the most common way to expand your social group. It’s especially great because each possible new friend comes with a recommendation from someone you already trust. Don’t be afraid to let your friends know that you’re looking to expand your social group and that you would be up to do more group activities. You might be surprised at how many new people you meet!
Examine your acquaintances
Everyone has acquaintances who just haven’t made the jump to “friends” yet. Give them a chance! Even if you find you’re not a great match, you might find yourself exposed to new places and events that spark an interest. Start by thinking about mutual interests you’ve discussed outside of how you already know each other and set up a “friend date” by inviting them to something you think they’d be interested in.
How do you meet new friends? Tell us in the comments and on our Facebook page!
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