Here at Poise & Purpose we see new beauty, health, and fashion trends come and go all the time. Some we would probably try (and do) and others we stay far, far away from! Either way, they’re out there and they are odd. Lately, there is one trend that has stuck around long after Halloween, and that’s why this trend is this week’s Wacky Trend Wednesday.
Introducing: Glow in the Dark Makeup
Having such a bizarre (in my opinion) trend stick around longer then Halloween must officially be “a thing.” Either that or it shows how much of a rave culture we’ve turned into…
The options available for glow in the dark makeup nearly match the amount of normal makeup options out there:
Glow in the dark nail polish can be made or bought. They give you the creativity of having clear nails while there’s light while changing to bright vibrant nails when the lights go off. If you’re looking to make your own, add a neon glow stick of your choice to clear nail polish.
Glow in the dark lipsticks contain florescent pigments that are 3 times brighter than normal lip colors to make your lips steal the moonlight show. If you are looking to puchase one be careful to look at the reviews. This one has the best formula and is proven to be long lasting.
Face & Hair
There is a black-light, reactive, translucent powder that looks invisible during the day but reacts to glow in the dark. People use this to brush on their face or lightly powder their hair. Buy it here!
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