Here are 20 nutritionist-approved items to add to your cart next time you are at the market. These nutritionally dense essentials will keep your diet on track and taste great too!
1. Kefir
This yogurt like drink is rich in protein, probiotics, vitamin K, and makes for an excellent base in smoothies. Look for unsweetened Kefir to add to your cart.
2. Organic, Pasteurized Eggs
Eggs are an amazing source of high quality nutrients. Don’t skip the yolk! Not only does it taste delicious, but is a nutritious vitamin bomb that is sure to keep you feeling full. Make sure you chose a “pastured or free-range” option and enjoy one of nature’s greatest foods.
3. Coconut Oil
Cook with it, use it as lotion, eat it raw! This “super” oil supports your immune system, promotes a heart health, and provides the body with long lasting energy (the list goes on!) Coconut Oil should be a grocery staple, so pick up a jar!
4. Chia Seeds
These little seeds pack a big punch. They are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and protein. Sprinkle them on your kefir, smoothies, and salads enjoying a little added nutritious crunch.
5. Raw Sauerkraut
Yes, sauerkraut! This sour, fermented, often over-looked side dish is actually loaded with health benefits. If you’re looking for a food that can increase your digestive health, stimulate your immune system, and reduce inflammation, give sauerkraut a try.
6. Sprouted Bread
Sprouting increases the amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals while reducing the amount of anti-nutrients found in traditional bread. The germination process also allows for better absorption of all those good nutrients, which makes this bread a much better option than most processed supermarket breads that claim to be healthy!
7. Apple Cider Vinegar
This health tonic has endless benefits including digestive aid, energy booster, and heartburn eliminator. Use it for salad dressing, in smoothies, or even clean with it. This versatile vinegar is a must have around the kitchen.
8. Tumeric
This spice is anti-inflammatory, loaded with vitamins, and a strong antioxidant. Besides its outstanding health profile, turmeric provides a beautiful color and flavor to any dish.
9. Wild-Pacific Salmon
Wild salmon is the healthiest choice when choosing fish to add to your diet. This fish is rich in critical omega-3 fatty acids that are a necessity for brain and heart health. Choose fresh or frozen!
10. Butter
Yes you read that right, next time you are at the market pick up a stick (or 6) of butter. Make sure you pick a grass-fed option. Rich in conjugated linoleic acid, grass-fed butter can help fight cancer and diabetes. Butter is also a rich source of vitamin A, D, E and K2, nutrients that are often lacking in a traditional American diet.
11. Asparagus
This herbaceous plant is loaded with nutrients like folate, vitamins A, C, and E, fiber, and chromium. Its detoxifying properties and ability to fight against cell-damaging free radicals make asparagus a great choice in the produce section to add to your cart!
12. Kombucha
Give this fizzy, tart, and probiotic-rich beverage a try! It has been called the “Immortal Health Elixir” and for a good reason. Kombucha can help with digestion, boost joint health, provide energy, and promote gut health. Next time you are craving a soda, skip it, and try a kombucha instead.
13. Avocado
We can thank nature for this super fruit. Loaded with wonderful fat, fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin K, and antioxidants, add avocado to smoothies, salad, or as a nutrient-dense addition to your breakfast plate.
14. Fresh Garlic
Garlic supports the circulatory, digestive, and immune system containing strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. Think of that smelly, delicious, little bulb as nature’s ‘antibiotic’.
15. Sweet Potato
This naturally sweet root vegetable is full of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and disease fighting components like beta-carotene and anthocyanin. Sweet potatoes make for a great complex-carbohydrate to complete your next meal.
16. Lemon
Lemons are alkalizing for the body, both rich in vitamin C and flavonoids. Start your day with a refreshing glass of lemon water to get the added benefits from this all-star citrus.
17. Oregano
This flavorful herb is great to cook with and has countless therapeutic health benefits. It supports the immune system, has one of the highest anti-oxidant ratings, is full of vitamins, and potent phytochemicals.
18. Organic Grass-Fed Meat
Grass-fed meat can be loaded with bioavailable nutrients that are hard to get in a Standard American Diet. The key here is finding a trusted source of meat that is organic, hormone-free, grass-fed, and pastured! Choosing this option provides for more Omega 3’s, conjugated linoleum acid, and vitamin B.
19. Raw Honey
This remarkable substance is delicious, can treat wounds, help a sore throat, boost energy, and relive allergy symptoms. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Yum!
20. Ginger
Ginger reduces inflammation, stimulates circulation, and can aid in digestion. Try cooking with it, juicing it, or making a warm ginger tea.
Now learn how healthy foods are tricking you!
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