Women and beauty hold a long-standing relationship with each other. In 2015, we saw women take their beauty and skin care regimens to the next level. Women are no longer looking for quick fixes, but instead are focusing on utilizing makeup and beauty products to create a better complexion. Rather than enduring surgical procedures with potentially harmful side effects, women are putting time and effort into looking fresh and beautiful naturally. Coming straight from the top runways and red carpet ... View the Post
Tiny Changes That Make a Huge Difference in Weight Loss
They say it takes 27 times doing something to make it a habit. We sat down and laid out some small daily changes that make a huge difference in not only your weight loss, but your mental health as well. Make 3 Small, Permanent Daily Changes Examples: 1. Wake up earlier - 15 or 20 minutes is plenty to start. 2. Substitute daily intake of caffeine with a decaf drink. 3. Add movement to your morning. Get up a few minutes early and grab a green tea instead of your usual ... View the Post