They say it takes 27 times doing something to make it a habit. We sat down and laid out some small daily changes that make a huge difference in not only your weight loss, but your mental health as well.
Make 3 Small, Permanent Daily Changes
1. Wake up earlier – 15 or 20 minutes is plenty to start.
2. Substitute daily intake of caffeine with a decaf drink.
3. Add movement to your morning.
Get up a few minutes early and grab a green tea instead of your usual latte. Taking a few moments each morning while your shower heats up to do some gentle stretches or a few squats will do wonders in getting your day started off on the right foot.
Track Performance, Not Looks
1. Set realistic & easy to record/remember goals.
2. Don’t bother with weight or “inches.”
3. Change your goal mindset from “skinny” to “strong and healthy,” which will help you get to “HAPPY.”
It’s important to focus on improvement, rather than a specific number. Looking at your progress and knowing that you’ve improved is much more positive that looking at your numbers and feeling like you haven’t improved enough.
Change Your Mirror Mindset
1. Only use the mirror when it’s necessary or in a positive light.
2. Start doing affirmations.
3. Get sexy with it.
Don’t stand in front of the mirror seeking out every imperfection. The truth of the matter is, you’re always going to look sexy, no matter what your size or shape. Do a few sexy poses, take a selfie or two, and remember that the mirror can’t show you how you look when someone makes you laugh really hard, or the sparkle in your eyes when you finally get some well-deserved recognition for all your hard work.
Focus on Basics Throughout the Day
1. Posture.
2. Breathing.
3. Water!!!
You would be so surprised to know how sitting up straight and squaring your shoulders can make a difference in back pain. Making sure you get your daily water intake is also extrememly important. If you have trouble getting yourself to drink enough water, we wrote a guide here.
Variety Is the Spice of Life
1. Try to do something new with your body every week.
2. Go outside of your comfort zone.
3. Make it social & have fun.
Take a fitness class that’s actually fun. Go for a scenic nighttime hike with a friend. Turn on some fun music and dance around the house while you’re cleaning.
These are all things that are important for leading a balanced and happy life, they just so happen to help your body stay healthy as well. Please let us know your favorite little things that make your days healthier and happier in the comments below!
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