You might be surprised by how useful items in your bathroom can be. Here are a few of our favorite hacks using items you already have in your bathroom.
1. Keep your mirror fog-free by rubbing a bar of soap on it
2. Here are 8 awesome uses for shaving cream
3. Use dollar store conditioner to shave your legs
4. Use nail polish to prevent snags in your stockings
5. Use toothpaste to polish your jewelry
6. Use shampoo to resize a shrunken sweater

image via Empress of Dirt
7. Use a hair dryer to stretch out too-tight shoes
8. Remove acrylic nails with floss
9. Add peppermint oil to cotton balls to keep away mice and ants
10. Use an old medicine bottle to make a quick nail polish remover
11. Use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser to remove nail polish spills and stains
12. Use old towels as cleaning rags
What items around your house pull double duty? Tell us your favorite tricks in the comments and on our Facebook page.
It’s ok. I don’t like avocados either. AND I’m from California!