Just like running into an ex, or eating something with black beans in it; the opportunities for awkward moments with phones is very real. And I'm not just talking about when your ringtone goes off loudly in line at the bank (Baby Got Back). I'm talking about red faced, cringe when you think about it, big girl awkward. So, without further ado- here are some awkward moments brought to you by cell phones. When you take a Snapchat selfie in a bathroom stall but your volume is all the way up so ... View the Post
6 Pieces of Actually Helpful Advice for Expectant Moms
Pregnancy can be overwhelming. The advice I've received from various outlets is even more overwhelming. I've gotten advice from my own family, to co-workers, to strangers off of the street that didn't even know me. Some of it has been terrible, but there were a few nuggets of gold that came my way every now and then. After really thinking all of the advice I've received through, I found that there was six pieces of actually helpful advice I received that most expectant moms get. These gems are ... View the Post
3 Must Haves For Your Pregnancy Wardrobe (and They’re Not Maternity or Expensive!)
Pregnancy is certainly hard on your body, but it doesn't have to be hard on your wallet when it comes to maternity clothes. One of the difficulties I've faced during my pregnancy is shopping. Cute stuff doesn't fit. Stuff that fits isn't cute. Cute stuff that does fit is expensive. It's a true conundrum. It took me lots of man hours going from store to store to find cute, inexpensive clothes for my pregnancy wardrobe. After putting in so much time, I'm confident to say I've found three must ... View the Post
Pregnancy Ailments You Didn’t Think You’d Get
Almost every newly expectant mom approaches pregnancy positively. When I found out I was pregnant, I jumped on Google and read “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”. I didn’t give anything I read much thought because I was sure my pregnancy would be a breeze. I was never the type to get sick. I was invincible. My sister's pregnancy seemed to be easy as she never complained and my mom's two pregnancies seemed even easier by the lack of stories she had in terms of aches and pains. I had the ... View the Post
3 Ways to Budget Shop for Designer Brands
I dreamt for a pair of beautiful Tory Burch patent leather chunky heels with the famous emblem in gold. I craved a sophisticated and chic Alice + Oliva dress to call my own. I longed for a Kate Spade wallet to match my favorite purse. All were easily attainable with my thiftiness when it comes to budget shopping for designer brands. My fashion wish list can be extensive and expensive. If I didn’t have much sense, I’d probably be the real life Carrie Bradshaw buying clothes instead of ... View the Post
7 Awesome Instagrams You Need To Follow
Sometimes I scroll through my feed and I just get SO BORED. And we all have that friend who posts all of their photos from the last month all at once. I love scrolling through 25 pictures of your dog at different angles, thanks for that. If you're looking to bring some life to your feed, here are some instagrams that will crack you up, inspire you, or just be eye candy. omgliterallydead This page makes me witch cackle every single time they post. Whoever thought to pose a ... View the Post