Juice cleanses are a popular detox trick when summertime hits. Filled with the natural flavors of the earth, juice cleanses go down smooth and leave us feeling refreshed, relaxed and revitalized.
While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with partaking in the fruit filled craze of juice cleansing during swimsuit season (or any other season for that matter), there are tons of ways to achieve the same results without having to quit chewing. Here’s How to Detox Your Body Without a Juice Cleanse!
How to Detox Your Body Without A Juice Cleanse
Option #1: Exercise — Go Ahead, Sweat It All Out!
Have you ever taken time out to think about where the toxic chemicals in your body wind up to begin with? The answer might surprise you. Tons of your body’s most toxic chemicals are actually stored in fat cells.
So, what is fat exactly? In terms of the body, fat is comprised of adipose tissue, a component that helps your body to store energy and self insulate. Fat even helps protect organs from harmful blows. A proportionate amount of adipose tissue (a.k.a. fat) is necessary for survival but an excess amount can cause various health disorders.
Exercising helps tone fat, transforming much of it into muscle which in turn helps you to shed the many harmful chemicals in your body that are stored in the fat cells. As an added bonus, chewing is often encouraged during exercise, so don’t be afraid to pack some gum and hit the gym in lieu of juicing today.
Option #2: Meditation — Spend Some Time Alone With Your Thoughts
Meditating is a process anyone can benefit from, even if you’re not a yogi or a monk. Meditating encompasses a variety of different techniques, all of which should result in relaxation; not just of the body, but also relaxation of the mind.
One of the most known aspects of meditation is deep breathing. When you breathe deeply in and out, your body begins to cleanse itself — even if you might not realize it at the time.
Another aspect often associated with meditation is stretching. Stretching does more than just making your muscles limber, it also helps to increase your oxygen levels, making way for blood and lymphatic circulation. The lymphatic system is one of the chief networks in your body that specializes in toxin removal, so feel free to engage in a few moments of deep thought every day. Your body will thank you eternally.
Option #3: Take a Vacay
Oh yes… the next time your boss gives you a hard time about taking a vacation you can say (with an entirely clear conscience) that your body really does need one.Vacationing is yet another way to rid your body of those pesky toxins while maintaining a healthy chewing lifestyle.
Here are just a few things you’re likely to do on a vacay that will help you to detox:
- Relax — Relaxation is the sibling of meditation. Both will keep your body cleansed this summer.
- Inhale — Deep breathing takes detoxing one step further when the air you’re inhaling is fresh. Saltwater air is particularly good for your health.
- Exhale — You know that feeling when you let go of all of the worry and you take a second or two to just be? This type of release that often happens with a change of schedule and scenery is incredibly good for eliminating toxins, including the toxins that could potentially harm you emotionally.
If All Else Fails, Hop In the Tub
A long, steamy bath can serve as the perfect summer detox. Treating yourself to warm, running water will allow you to sweat out up to 20% of the toxic chemicals you’ve built up in your body. Alternatives to a steamy bath include taking a trip to the sauna and taking a dip in a hot tub.
No matter how you choose to detox, don’t forget to put your safety first. Finding the method that best works for you is often a trial and error process so have fun taste testing smoothies, dipping your toes in the ocean, lifting the free weights at your favorite gym and freeing your mind of any negativity.
You don’t need to detox to do your body good. Find out 10 other ways to feel happier right now and see how good your mind, body, and soul can be!
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