Winged eyeliner. Been there. Screwed that up. Seen the memes. Why is it so hard to get straight even winged liner? I could fill a book with winged eyeliner woes from women everywhere. While I've mostly got it figured out (after years of practice), I still mess it up sometimes. The key to getting awesome winged liner, is understanding that it can smell fear! Extend the lower lash line The first thing you're going to do is draw a line that continues the trajectory of your lower lash ... View the Post
Eyeliner Cheat Sheet: Tips and Tricks
Eyeliner seems to be one of the trickiest makeup skills to master. I cringe when I look back at photos of myself in my learning stages (wearing black eyeliner on my waterline...JUST black eyeliner on the waterline). Nearly all of the questions I receive are about eyeliner, and with all the info out there, it's easy to get confused and want to give up. Here's an eyeliner cheat sheet for next time you want to flip tables and give up eyeliner for good. Pencil Liners These are the easiest to ... View the Post
Drugstore Faves: Eyeliners
So, we've already heard the in and outs of eyeliner application in our Eyeliner Cheat Sheet, but what if you don't want to trade your first born son to get an expensive eyeliner from Sephora? Yes, of course the products are great, but dude... I go through a metric ton of eyeliner. I like my wings, okay? I would have to buy a 20 dollar eyeliner every month. That adds up to a pretty penny. So, because I am a slave to my eyeliner, it was a necessity for me to find out which drugstore liners work ... View the Post